Jeff Polen
Worship leader
Jeff began his journey with Jesus at the age of 21 after he was radically saved from a life of alcoholism and vain pursuit of fame through country music.Jeff and Jodi were married in 2003 and surrendered their lives completely to Christ, becoming missionaries for Youth With A Mission (YWAM) and serving overseas in the nations of Turkey and Egypt. In 2006 Jeff accepted a position of Youth Pastor and Music Director at a church in Ohio, where he served faithfully for nearly a decade, equipping and challenging the students and congregation to reach their world with the GOSPEL. Jeff and Jodi now focus full-time on the Jeff Polen Music ministry, a ministry dedicated to pointing others to Jesus Christ through music, preaching, teaching, and training. Jeff and Jodi have five wonderful children: Taylor, Abigail, Piper, Elijah, and Eden.