Elisa Morgan
Speaker and author
Living really…really living. This tagline describes Elisa’s zeal for everyday authenticity that expresses an ever-growing faith and vibrant embrace of all life brings. Elisa Morgan was named by Christianity Today as one of the top fifty women influencing today’s church and culture and is one of today’s most sought-after authors, speakers, and leaders. She has authored over twenty-five books on mothering, spiritual formation, and evangelism, including Hello, Beauty Full, The Beauty of Broken, She Did What She Could: Five Words of Jesus That Will Change Your Life, the NIV Mom’s Devotional Bible. Her latest book is Hello, Beauty Full: Seeing Yourself As God Sees You, and offers seven video teachings for group study. Her blog, Really, platforms both Elisa’s voice and the voices of a myriad of women who are committed to living out their influence in real life. She currently serves as co-host of the nationally syndicated daily radio program Discover the Word (www.discovertheword.org). For twenty years, Elisa Morgan served as CEO of MOPS International (www.mops.org). Under her leadership MOPS grew from 350 to over 4,000 groups throughout the United States and in thirty other countries, influencing over 100,000 moms every year. Elisa now serves as President Emerita. Along with a team of other gifted women, Elisa launched FullFill, a digizine and webinar library to empower women of all seasons of life and leadership. Elisa received a BS from the University of Texas and an MDiv from Denver Seminary. She served as the dean of women of Western Bible College (now Colorado Christian University) and on the board of ECFA (Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability). Currently she serves on the board of Denver Seminary.