Chad Williams
Former U.S. Navy SEAL, Author, and Speaker
Having been a featured guest on Fox News, CNN News Room, Anderson Cooper 360, TBN, Hour of Power, CBN 700 Club and more; Chad has proven to be a very passionate and gifted communicator. Chad has learned first hand how precious and costly freedom is as he turned on a television one day to see video footage of his friend and mentor, U.S. Navy SEAL Scott Helvenston viciously murdered and mutilated as he was dragged through the streets of Fallujah, Iraq and hung upside-down from the Euphrates River Bridge while an angry Iraqi mob repeatedly chanted, “Fallujah is the graveyard of Americans. As a Navy SEAL, Chad Williams served his country proudly on SEAL Teams One and Seven. Today Chad is an in demand keynote speaker, taking the principles and ethos learned in SEAL training to better communicate the message of sacrifice and freedom that comes at the price of bloodshed.