Josh McDowell
Author, Christian apologist and evangelist
As a young man, Josh McDowell considered himself an agnostic. However, when challenged to intellectually examine the claims of Christianity, Josh discovered compelling, overwhelming evidence for the reliability of the Christian faith.Therefore, Josh joined the staff of Campus Crusade for Christ International (now called Cru). Not long after, he started the Josh McDowell Ministry to reach young people worldwide with the truth and love of Jesus.
Josh has addressed more than 25 million people, giving over 26,000 talks in 125 countries. Josh has written or co-authored 138 books including ‘More Than a Carpenter’ which sold 15 million copies in 85 languages, ‘New Evidence That Demands a Verdict’, etc. In addition to many other awards, Josh has been nominated 36 times for the Gold Medallion Award and has received that award on four occasions. Josh has received two significant honors from the Russian people because of these efforts. He was elected as an honorary fellow of the Medical Society (The Medical Union of Pediatrics) of Russia on January 24, 1995—in recognition of his work among the children of Russia. Also, Josh is the only foreigner to become a member of the prestigious Russian Club of Scientists. Operation Carelift, which has grown into one of the largest humanitarian aid organizations based in the United States, is now a part of Global Aid Network (GAiN USA).